Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fear the Fishes

Lets start the festivities by saying; my religious views are pretty simple. Whatever works for you works for me. I really don't prefer any specific house. Now that doesn't mean I understand all the religions out there because truthfully I've come to find most religions are far from any thing I would choose to put my so called faith into. Now theology as a whole has always interested me but mostly to become more informed before I make any hasty decisions; as I normally would. The concept of a singular entity being the creator of all; seems somewhat unreasonable to me. With that being said; that doesn't mean I don't support another persons individual beliefs or views on the subject.

Now I had been driving around for quite a while wondering what in the hell the GF stickers that were stamped on every other bumper I see meant. For a long time I thought it meant girl friend and was nothing more than girls being friends or in my crazy moment something to do with the lesbian community. But imagine my surprise when a friend of mine tells me it means “God Fearing.” So I'm standing there wondering “ What the hell?” in a bewildered stare. Unfortunately for the rest of the day all I could think about was “God Fearing....God Fearing... WHAT THE HELL IS GOD FEARING.” Really; are you suppose to fear the one being who created the entire universe? How could you possibly have faith in something you fear? As far as I've been told god is a forgiving father who forgave his children after his own son died on a cross for our sins. I'm sorry but I find it too hard to grasp such a concept. I do not believe you should be fearful of the one person/entity you've been praying to you whole life. Whats the fucking point? I hate to be so blunt but seriously; it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. That was until I found out that “The Fish” bumper sticker is a symbol of Jesus. Now what the hell is that about? I know the fish as a symbol is seen many times in the Gospels but come on already. A fish? You've got to be kidding. Not only should we fear him but we got to look at these dumb ass looking fish everywhere. And lets not forget GF seen posted above the stupid little fish like some kind of halo. So on that note I depart with a simple warning -Fear The Fishes-

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