Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Match

So I was surfing netflix and saw this movie David. So I clicked it to check is out. And trust me it was one of the most screwed up things I've ever seen. The movie it self was not the greatest but the story is something out of a crazy persons head. Its so screwed up at first i didn't want to believe it really happened. Anyway; basically this divorced couple who have kid named David(6) don't really get along. Charles the father in the equation is wack. He kidnaps David from new york and goes to California with him. He then proceeds to call Marie --the mom-- to tell her. Of course she flips out because he took David out of the state; half way across the damn country. So he then goes to a convenience store and buys a HUGE can of kerosene. And while Dave is sleeping he pours it all over the motel. He lights a single match and LEAVES. Over 90% of David's body had third degree burns on it. But that's not even the worse part. Charles the father only got sentenced to thirteen years and eventually got out in seven on parole. But David made it through and now works in the music industry. Oh and karma wise the ass who did it to him ended up getting sentenced again after he set fire to his neighbors apartment. Hooray for karma.

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