Friday, December 5, 2008

Lost and Found

The internet is truly a wonder that i am constantly amazed by. I've been out of school for quite some time wondering what had happened to all the people I once knew. Sure; I found some of my friends and acquaintances only to find that they either didn't remember me or have now found new "cooler" people to hang out with. But my reply to all those doodoo heads is shove off. Anyway moving on; so I just have been keeping the same tight knit friends that I've had. Then out of nowhere a friend that I rode the bus with found me. It's crazy; as I haven't seen her since 03 and I'm so glad she found me. Because during high school I had to take like a two to three hour ride just to get to that hell hole school. So I was a loner at first but I slowly branched out and ended up with some pretty remarkable friends in the process. Then we gave ourselves the nick name " The Cool Clique" in traditional dork fashion. There were good times as well as some bad times but all in all we stuck together. So I just got to give a shout out to all the members -Mel, Frank, Olivia and last but not least Krystal for finding me. Looking at this picture all I can think of is -damn I was such an ass.-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, am glad that I found you. My only hope is that we can be the friends we once were...if not better. And that you never leave my side again. I've missed you buddy.